
  • slowhttptest源码
  • SlowHTTPTest是一个高度可定制化的压力测试工具
  • 本质上是利用/构造各种特殊的HTTP请求尝试让服务器过载或者拒绝服务
  • 可以运行于各大Linux以及windows平台
  • 该软件被主流包管理器支持,可以直接使用apt安装

    apt install -y slowhttptest

0x1 原理


  1. 服务器会在完整的接收HTTP请求后在进行处理
  2. 如果HTTP请求一直在传输,即使速率很低,服务器也会分配资源用于处理这个请求
  3. 当大量的低效HTTP请求与服务器建立链接,就会导致拒绝服务
  4. 基于这个原理的拒绝服务并不会占用服务很高的CPU,只是单纯的拖延服务器时间


  1. 目标服务器的接收缓冲区需要比发送缓冲区小,越小越好
  2. 攻击者攻击的目标应该超出服务器的发送缓冲区大小(通常为64-128KB)
  3. 可以使用slowhttptest -k填满服务器缓冲区

0x2 参数

  • 先使用-h查看帮助信息

    # slowhttptest -h
    slowhttptest, a tool to test for slow HTTP DoS vulnerabilities - version 1.6
    Usage: slowhttptest [options ...]
    Test modes:
      -H               slow headers a.k.a. Slowloris (default)
      -B               slow body a.k.a R-U-Dead-Yet
      -R               range attack a.k.a Apache killer
      -X               slow read a.k.a Slow Read
    Reporting options:
      -g               generate statistics with socket state changes (off)
      -o file_prefix   save statistics output in file.html and file.csv (-g required)
      -v level         verbosity level 0-4: Fatal, Info, Error, Warning, Debug
    General options:
      -c connections   target number of connections (50)
      -i seconds       interval between followup data in seconds (10)
      -l seconds       target test length in seconds (240)
      -r rate          connections per seconds (50)
      -s bytes         value of Content-Length header if needed (4096)
      -t verb          verb to use in request, default to GET for
                       slow headers and response and to POST for slow body
      -u URL           absolute URL of target (http://localhost/)
      -x bytes         max length of each randomized name/value pair of
                       followup data per tick, e.g. -x 2 generates
                       X-xx: xx for header or &xx=xx for body, where x
                       is random character (32)
      -f content-type  value of Content-type header (application/x-www-form-urlencoded)
      -m accept        value of Accept header (text/html;q=0.9,text/plain;q=0.8,image/png,*/*;q=0.5)
    Probe/Proxy options:
      -d host:port     all traffic directed through HTTP proxy at host:port (off)
      -e host:port     probe traffic directed through HTTP proxy at host:port (off)
      -p seconds       timeout to wait for HTTP response on probe connection,
                       after which server is considered inaccessible (5)
    Range attack specific options:
      -a start        left boundary of range in range header (5)
      -b bytes        limit for range header right boundary values (2000)
    Slow read specific options:
      -k num          number of times to repeat same request in the connection. Use to
                      multiply response size if server supports persistent connections (1)
      -n seconds      interval between read operations from recv buffer in seconds (1)
      -w bytes        start of the range advertised window size would be picked from (1)
      -y bytes        end of the range advertised window size would be picked from (512)
      -z bytes        bytes to slow read from receive buffer with single read() call (5)


    1. -H:通过header攻击

    2. -B:通过body攻击

    3. -X:通过read攻击

    4. -R:通过CVE-2011-3192进行攻击,主要针对如下apache版本

      1. 1.3.x
      2. 2.0.x -> 2.0.64
      3. 2.2.x -> 2.2.19
    5. -u:指定攻击url
    6. -c:并发攻击数量
    7. -g:生成关键日志
    8. -o:将关键日志保存到文件并且生成html图标报告,需要配合-g
    9. -r:每秒创建多少链接
    10. -w 512 -y 1024:每个链接初始化syn时设置随机窗口大小为512 -1024
    11. -n 5 -z 32:每5秒接受32字节的数据
    12. -k:重返因子.自动重放每个攻击请求多少次
    13. -p:设定秒数,等待-p秒后没有获得服务器数据,判定服务器DoSed

0x3 攻击demo

  1. slowhttptest的攻击指令格式一般如下

    slowhttptest -H -u
  2. 根据需求也可以创建暴力型的攻击方式

    slowhttptest -c 1000 -X \
    -g -o slow_read_stats -r 200 \
    -w 512 -y 1024 \
    -n 5 -z 32 -k 3 \
    -u https://myseceureserver/resources/index.html -p 3 
    • 每秒创建200个攻击链接,最多1000个攻击链接,每个链接的随机窗口大小为512->1024,每5秒接受服务器32字节的数据,每个攻击请求发送三次,服务器连续3秒无响应判定为dos成功
  3. 如果使用-g -o生成图表那么会生成html文件,看到如下结果:Snipaste_2022-04-26_14-55-56.png
Last modification:April 26, 2022